Privacy policy

Casas do Barlavento is a brand and ownership of this website belongs to the company Casas do Barlavento Sociedade de Mediação Imobiliária Lda, located at Estrada da Ponta da Piedade Lote26, Loja B - 8600-512 Lagos - Algarve - Portugal. We can be contacted by e-mail at or by telephone on +351 282 780 870.

On our website we try to have up-to-date information at all times, however, this content is for information purposes only and as such sometimes does not correspond to current reality. As far as prices and information about properties are concerned, they are presented as being correct and in line with what we have in our possession. For each user of the website, our web server automatically recognises the domain name and e-mail address. We add to our database those who provide us with their data through messages/information requests.

The information added to our database is for internal evaluation purposes, used to improve the content of our website, as well as the services offered in an increasingly personalised and user-focused way. With regard to cookies, we use them to store user preferences in order to provide a better browsing experience on our website. If you do not wish to receive emails from us, please send us an email with your details so that we can remove you from the database. Our intention is only to inform you about news, events or information that may be useful to you.

If our privacy rules change, we will contact you. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us using the contact details above.